Sunday, October 28, 2007

Blue Halloween

We were invited to a Halloween Party for last evening, the 27th of October at Lord Hall's Mansion in Orefield (Lord Hall is my boss, Hugh Hall and the theme of his party was old English). Dottie couldn't go because she was instructing a turbo-kick class down in Boyertown at the YMCA, so it was Madison and me.

Madison dressed up as "Obi Wan Kenobi". I don't need to tell you who that is. She has become enthralled with the entire Star Wars saga (so early!) after having seen the tail end of Episode 1. I explained to her all about the original (Episode 4) and there began the almost nightly viewing of the entire library, then repeating, and again.

I hadn't planned on dressing up, but I found out that everyone else was and not wanting to be the odd man out, I came up with this:

It was actually funny how I came up with the idea. We were sitting at breakfast the morning of the party and Dottie and I were talking about dressing up and in the newspaper, I came across this:

I have always wanted to see this act live, and had the opportunity about 7 years ago in Las Vegas when I was there for a work related convention. At the time, the tickets were over $100 each and they were in the upper deck. I have seen them a couple of times on television for brief segments, most recently on "America's Got Talent" (of all places, who'd have thought...) doing a riveting performance of Baba O'Riley, by The Who. Here is a link to that performance:

Anyway, once again, I just missed them as they were here Thursday night.

We did trick-or-treat on Wednesday night and Madison made quite a haul for the brief time we were out. We did one full block of our neighborhood (about 1/6 of the total). There are a ton of kids in this area of all ages and almost all the houses participated in the holiday, some just handing out candy, but many with decorated homes, themes and the owner's dressed up to some extent. It was a fun night.